Gallery 2: Pots on display at the Cow Byre, Ruislip, HA4 7SU, 10am to 4pm daily, through to 16 November 2024.

Platter with four bees amidst flowers
Platter with four bees amidst flowers
Assorted shino and white pots
Assorted shino and white pots
Bowl with flowing interior decoration
Bowl with flowing interior decoration
Bowl with butterflies
Bowl with butterflies
Five shino mugs
Five shino mugs
Breakfast bowl with interior decoration
Breakfast bowl with interior decoration
Jug and two lidded jars
Jug and two lidded jars
Soap dish
Soap dish
Beautiful bowl
Beautiful bowl
Shallow bowl with floral decoration
Shallow bowl with floral decoration
Three large coffee mugs
Three large coffee mugs
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